My First POST!!😘
Hi Guys,
Ann here! I hope you are safe and sound at home😷 Since this is my first post, I would like to say a few things about myself. My name is Ann Mary Mathew. I am from Pongumoodu, Trivandrum. And I love to travel. This Blog is about how I spend my time during Lockdown with my family and what do we do at home so that we are not bored. Today I ate an English Breakfast, for a change
It was pretty tasty except I gave the oranges to my Mother😁. And then just my normal routine:*Sitting for my brother's class till 9:00 am
*Waiting for the meeting ID in my school
*Joining the class
*After class is over, I eat
*Then I watch YouTube and play games with my brother
*And typing my first post
So that's basically it! Stay tuned. Will keep you updated!
Ann signing out!😉
Good Start..